246 research outputs found

    „Na pierwszej linii drogowcy, kolejarze, energetycy i wojsko”. Tak zwana zima stulecia 1979 roku na przykładzie Ziemi Lubuskiej

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    The article deals with the effects of the so-called ‘Winter of the Century’ of 1979 on the example of the Lubusz Land in a broad national context. The conditions in the country and the region were analysed in various domains of economic and social life: transport and communication, the energy and heating systems, trade and supply, and also in relation to industrial and agricultural problems. The then authorities’ incompetence was emphasised as a result of political system weaknesses, leading to numerous failures and organisational chaos.Artykuł dotyczy zimy stulecia 1979 r., której skutki przedstawiono na przykładzie Ziemi Lubuskiej w szerokim kontekście ogólnopolskim. Warunki w kraju i tytułowym regionie zostały przeanalizowane w różnych dziedzinach życia gospodarczego i społecznego: komunikacji i transporcie, systemie energetycznym i ciepłownictwie, handlu i zaopatrzeniu ludności, a także w odniesieniu do problemów przemysłu i rolnictwa. Zaakcentowano nieporadność ówczesnych władz, wynikającą ze słabości systemowych, czego efektem były licznie zaniedbania i chaos organizacyjny

    Ze studiów nad początkami kultury łużyckiej w zachodniej Wielkopolsce

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    The article is an attempt to explain the origin of the Lusatian culture in western Wielkopolska on the basis of available archaeological evidence. The author inscribes the major role in the formation of the early Lusatian groups in western Wielkopolska to communities from Lower Silesia. From this territory culture impulses radiated along the Odra river, which led to the emergence of the early assemblages of the Urnfield culture in western Wielkopolska and the Lubusz Lands at the beginning of phase III of the Bronze Age.The article is an attempt to explain the origin of the Lusatian culture in western Wielkopolska on the basis of available archaeological evidence. The author inscribes the major role in the formation of the early Lusatian groups in western Wielkopolska to communities from Lower Silesia. From this territory culture impulses radiated along the Odra river, which led to the emergence of the early assemblages of the Urnfield culture in western Wielkopolska and the Lubusz Lands at the beginning of phase III of the Bronze Age

    Portret antropologiczny rdzennych mieszkańców pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego urodzonych przed 1945 rokiem

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    An Anthropological Portrayal of the Native Inhabitants of the Polish-German Borderland Born Before 1945 The article presents the results of field research carried out among the native inhabitants of the Lubusz Voivodship who were born in the former eastern territory of the then German state before 1945. Between 2009 and 2011, the authors conducted in-depth anthropological interviews with 28 informants in 17 localities in the Voivodship. These informants are the last remaining representatives of the former populace in this area, since the majority of the local inhabitants left Poland: some were evacuated or fled in the face of the advancing Red Army in 1945, others were victims of the so-called “wild” expulsions as well as resettlements, and still others emigrated under family reunification programs. One more factor was economic emigration, which has continued up to the present day. Thus, those inhabitants who remained are the last witnesses to the history of life experiences which began here already in pre-World War II times. This makes them special as they have a unique sense of rootedness in the region, unlike other inhabitants, who are newcomers there. The external identity of the interviewees, that is, the identity given to them by others, is often different from their internal, subjective identity, which is felt and expressed in narratives. In the period following World War II the native populace was termed “autochtons”. The category of “autochton” was constructed from the outside, taking into consideration only elements of Polish culture, and completely ignored any ties with German culture. The presence of the “autochtons” officially served the purpose of legitimizing the so-called “recovered territories”, that is, the territories incorporated into Poland in 1945. On the other hand, the autochtons were ascribed a German identity by new settlers who arrived in the Lubusz land from different regions of Poland, and who labeled the locals “Germans” or “Nazis”. The internal identity of the interviewees is characterized by Polish-German cultural bivalence, which shows most of all in their active bilingualism and often in denominational conversions or bivalent (Catholic-Evangelical) faith as well as a lack of a univocal acceptance of just one national option

    Kierunki wyjazdów turystycznych młodzieży gimnazjalnej z wybranych województw

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    Junior high school youth constitutes an atypical consumer segment of tourist services. Such consumers are willing to take risks, search new interpersonal contacts, discover new cultures, want to expand their knowledge using typical tourist products at the same time. Parents and guardians have a significant impact on their behaviours. In 2013 research into tourist activity among 1067 junior high school pupils from 5 Polish voivodships (Mazovian, Lodz, Greater Poland, Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian) was conducted. The youth was asked questions about their tourist destinations: domestic and international trips (European and outside Europe). As a result of own research, the spatial range of holiday destinations was determined on the basis of descriptive analyses

    The Oder, an ecoparadigmatic river

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    The author aims at presenting examples of literary descriptions of Odra flooding (especially in the context of the most recent in 1997 and 2010) and the river regions in the perspective of aquacriticism. This approach belongs to a wider concept of ecocriticism which perceives the river as a key part of environment. The question being posed is what kind of influence can be traced in literary texts representing floods and how does literature influence perception of aquatic catastrophes such as floods. Since flood belongs to the catastrophe discourse, it blurs anthropocentric knowledge on rivers and indicates aquacentric modes of recognition. The ecoparadigmatic role of Odra is indicated by Silesian authors (in the collection Wie die Oder rauscht ) and writers biographically connected with the river (Tokarczuk). The environmental function of the river can be better acknowledged through literary fiction that “gives voice to the river”.The author aims at presenting examples of literary descriptions of Odra flooding (especially in the context of the most recent in 1997 and 2010) and the river regions in the perspective of aquacriticism. This approach belongs to a wider concept of ecocriticism which perceives the river as a key part of environment. The question being posed is what kind of influence can be traced in literary texts representing floods and how does literature influence perception of aquatic catastrophes such as floods. Since flood belongs to the catastrophe discourse, it blurs anthropocentric knowledge on rivers and indicates aquacentric modes of recognition. The ecoparadigmatic role of Odra is indicated by Silesian authors (in the collection Wie die Oder rauscht ) and writers biographically connected with the river (Tokarczuk). The environmental function of the river can be better acknowledged through literary fiction that “gives voice to the river”